Congratulations on your engagement, and may God grant you peace and joy as you prepare to begin your new life together! While there is much that lies ahead of you these coming months, do not be anxious about what awaits, as we will be happy to accompany you every step of the way. Most importantly, know, without a doubt, that God is with you—even now—and that it is He Himself who has guided you thus far. “Thus,” as St. Paul says, “we may say with confidence: The Lord is my helper, and I will not be afraid” (Hebrews 13:6).

            A common interest of engaged couples is, of course, setting a wedding date. Because you are endeavoring to enter a marriage that promises to be grace-filled, permanent, faithful, exclusive, and fruitful (open to life/children), it is important to provide enough time—at least six months—for your spiritual preparation as well to prepare the liturgy and complete the needed documentation. The first step is to contact Lorena Castillo-Ritz at 704-644-4653 to set up your appointment to start the process.

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