Ash Wednesday Schedule
7:00 am Mass
9:00 am Mass
10:30 am Liturgy of the Word
12:00 pm Mass
1:30 pm Liturgy of the Word
3:00 pm Liturgy of the Word
4:30 pm Liturgy of the Word
6:00 pm Mass
8:00 pm Spanish Mass
The Ed Frantz Memorial Food Drive in conjunction with Loaves and Fishes, will be having a food drive March 1 to March 16. Items needed:
Canned fruits, vegetables, peanut butter, lentils, pasta, canned meats, Campbells Chunky soups, Spaghetti-O's, jarred baby food (other glass donations will not be accepted).
Make a Pledge
Your generosity to the 2025 Diocesan Support Appeal helps the Diocese of Charlotte continue to provide quality programs and services through Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte, Vocations, and Educational, and Multicultural ministries. Pledges made to the 2025 Diocesan Support Appeal must be completed by the end of the year. Contributions made after December 31, 2025, will be credited to the 2026 appeal.
Thank you for your support.
Are you an active member of St. Vincent de Paul Church? Join our parish and complete a registration form and inform the Parish Office of any recent changes, such as an address, contact information, family members, etc.
¿Eres miembro activo de la parroquia de San Vicente? Qué significa ser miembro activo: Complete la planilla de registración e infórmele a la oficina de cualquier cambio a su dirección, teléfono o miembros de la familia, etc.
Please accompany your children, 12 and under, to the restroom during Sunday Masses. We have found large amounts of unused paper in the toilets that have caused them to clog and overflow. This causes a dangerous and inconvenient situation for fellow parishioners that wish to use the restroom.
Por favor, acompañe a sus hijos al baño, menores de 12 años, durante las misa del domingo. Hemos encontrado grandes cantidades de papel higiénico sin usar en los inodoros que han causado un desbordamiento de los inodoros. Cuando los inodoros se desbordan, los baños se inundan causando una situación peligrosa e inconveniente para los feligreses que desean usar el baño.
If you interested in being a cantor at Sunday Masses and have a gift of singing and are able to read music please contact Armen Hareyan, Music Director, at 828747-6404.
Adoration will be held every Friday in the Holy Family Chapel. Please use the SignUpGenius to block out your hour.
We would like to thank all our Faith Direct donors for their generous gifts in 2021. Faith Direct should be sending their tax acknowledgment letters at the end of the month of January. Again, thank you for your continued support of our parish family. If you are interested in giving electronically, you can set up a recurring donation or make a one-time gift. Sign up today by visiting (NC128) and please be sure to request the "Mass attendance cards" so you can drop them off every time you come to Mass.
Earlier this year families with children attending schools in the MACS system should have received a letter outlining the prerequisites to be considered a participating member of St. Vincent de Paul Parish. In order to be considered a participating family moving forward each MACS family MUST sign and return the agreement letter to the Parish Office. If your family has children attending MACS schools and have not either received or returned the signed agreement back to the parish please do so at your earliest convenience. There are copies of the agreement letter in the Parish Office for you to sign or you may contact Lorena at 704-644-4653 or Carmen at 704-644- 4661, for further assistance.
All rising 1st to 5th graders interested in joining Cub Scout Pack 288 here at St. Vincent, please contact Cubmaster Chris Keane at or 704.287.2042.
All boys in 6th grade and higher (age 11- 17) interested in joining Boy Scout Troop 288 here at St. Vincent, please contact Assistant Scoutmaster Richard Cashman at or 704.604.7967. Boy Scouts is the premier leadership development program in the United States for youth and Troop 288 is celebrating its 55th birthday this year!
The parish is working on re-inking some nameplates on the columbarium that have faded with time. Please don’t be alarmed if you don’t see your loved one’s nameplate.
We are in urgent need of two more people to work on Team 2, which meets on Thursday after 9 o’clock Mass once every six weeks. Many of those on the Friday Teams have served for twenty years or more so it would be wonderful to have younger volunteers step forward to help in this worthy ministry. Please call Sharon Ginty, at 704-553-2679 if you can help or have questions.
Our Program
St. Vincent de Paul Preschool offers a play-based, hands-on program because we believe young children learn best through interaction, exploration, and experimentation. Low student-to-teacher ratios allow our teachers to individualize learning to meet children where they are developmentally. Encompassing all the learning at our preschool is our Catholic faith which is integrated into every aspect of our day to help children grow in their love and knowledge of God.