Adult Formation

RCIA and Adult Sacrament Preparation

Are you thinking of converting? Do you want to learn more about the Catholic Faith and Tradition?

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults or RCIA is the program for preparation for joining the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and the Holy Eucharist. If you are an already Baptized adult in need of Sacraments such as First Communion, Confirmation, or Sacramental Matrimony, we can help you with that too!

Join us for weekly sessions co-led by Fr. Joshua Voitus and Mr. Ben Clark to learn more about the Catholic Faith. Classes will be held on Tuesday evenings from 6:15 pm-7:30 pm. Please contact Riley Provost RVPROVOST@RCDOC.ORG if you are interested in attending.

Classes began on 8/30 but it’s not too late to inquire!

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